To the Editors,

The sanitized language used in your article about the cancellation of Simchat Torah services at Slifka is a travesty.  And the quotation attributed to Yalies4Palestine is obscene.  The cancellation of Slifka services was not due to some morally ambiguous “ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza;” it was due to Hamas terrorists’ kidnapping babies out their mothers’ arms, butchery of children before their parents’ eyes, and murder of teenagers dancing at music festival.  The fact that anyone remotely related to Yale could “stand in solidarity” which such actions is unfathomable. There is a time and place for discussion of whether Israel’s use of force against terrorists and terrorist infrastructure is proportionate to the civilians killed as tragic collateral damage.  But there can be no comparison between those who perpetrate mass murder and those who seek to stop it, and when newspapers attempt to “both sides” that kind of evil we witnessed this week, they have ceased to practice journalism.

Yishai Schwartz

Branford College, 2013

Yale Law School, 2018

YDN opinion columnist: 2011-2013

YISHAI SCHWARTZ is a 2013 graduate of Yale College and a 2018 graduate of Yale Law School. They can be reached at