This episode of Attune features two poems and two short stories: “Saudade,” written by Ivi Fung, voiced by Siena Cizdziel, original music composed by Jonathan Weiss, and directed by Eileen Peng; “In Our Palms, Magic Sings,” written and voiced by Eli White, original music composed by Amelia Lake, co-directed by Slaveya Zaharieva and Laura Palacio Londono; “Birthday,” by Catherine Kausikan, voiced by Siena Cizdziel, original music composed by Jonathan Weiss, and directed by Sophia Lee; and “Meditations on the Sky,” written by Catherine Kausikan, voiced by Julia Sulkowski, and directed by Sophia Lee. You can read transcripts of these works at this link: (

This episode was produced by Slaveya Zaharieva, Sophia Lee, Eileen Peng, and Laura Palacio Londono. It was sound engineered by Xavier Guaracha, Slaveya Zaharieva, Laura Palacio Londono, Sophia Lee, and Suraj Singareddy. Our intro and outro theme is written by Sharon Ahn.

Slaveya Zaharieva is a senior in Branford College. She is an international student from Bulgaria and is double-majoring in Economics and Global Affairs. She is interested in social issues such as climate change and public health, and loves writing fantasy and science fiction stories.
Sophia is a student at Yale University studying East Asian Studies and Psychology with certificates in Japanese and Education Studies. She spent her early childhood in South Korea, but has since moved to the United States where she has developed a deep love for her roots in East Asia and a passion for language study.
Laura is a student in Branford College. She was born in Colombia but has lived the majority of her life in West Palm Beach. She is an anthropology major who wants to go on to study public health. You can often find her listening to fiction podcasts (or creating them).
Suraj Singareddy is an editor for the podcast desk. Originally from Johns Creek, GA, he is an English major in Timothy Dwight College.