(1 shot) for every complaint about Directed Studies
(1) each time a freshman asks how to find the Saybrook dining hall
(1) per tourist who bumps into you on Old Campus
(1) per complaint about a 10-minute walk being “so far”
(1) per Overheard at Yale post with more than 1,000 likes
(2) per Overheard at Yale post with under 30 likes
(1) per Overheard at Yale post that definitely wasn’t overheard
(3) for every new committee created by Salovey
(1.5) for every Applied Physics major you meet
(2) if you ask them how they apply physics
(1) each time Ward 1 Alder Sarah Eidelson ’12 personally knocks on your door
(2) for every Trump supporter you meet
(1) every time you hear the exact sentence “What’re you doing next summer?”
(2) for every GHeav run after midnight [1 before, 1 after]
(1) each year you are short of being 21 in the state of Connecticut
(1) for every unread book you purchased for class
(1) for every use of the word “interesting” in section
(1) for every reading you didn’t do for section
(2) for every meal you plan but never execute
(1) for every missed call from a parent
(2) for every missed call from a grandparent
(3) for every campus publication you read cover-to-cover
(1) more for reading YDN Mag