From: Joshua Fitt <>

Date: Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 11:28 PM

Subject: Are you ready? (FOR BAGELBRUNCH TOMORROW?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!???!!!???)

From: Vesica Bægel

Get ready for Yale’s favorite traditional game of BLADDERBAGEL!!!!

At exactly 11:00 AM, the gates of the Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale will open, and the GAMES WILL BEGIN…”

bladderball[media-credit name=”Joshua Fitt” align=”aligncenter” width=”488″]

Bladderball2009[media-credit name=”Joshua Fitt” align=”aligncenter” width=”800″]

10392378_10153310851982589_7847510105988041072_n[media-credit name=”Joshua Fitt” align=”aligncenter” width=”720″]

Quite the email we received from Joshua Fitt ’17 on Saturday night.

While the photos above speak for themselves, we wanted to credit the email’s author, Slifka’s Kosher Kitchen President, for this masterpiece. You’ve truly outdone yourself with this work. The reference is oh so timely; it is clear that you are up on Yale current events! Your photoshop skills, too, are legendary. That one time you used “paint” to express your emotions with a sad face was a risky choice that was ultimately successful. True kudos to you, fine sir.

We do have one suggestion of how the email could be improved for the next time Bladderball makes an appearance right before Bagel Brunch. Bladderbagel? That name just seems a bit gross. We do see what you are trying to do there, but that makes us the opposite of hungry. Next time, go with Bagelball. We would definitely play that game.

And a question to anyone who attended Bagel Brunch today: were bagels truly flying? Was there a food fight? Let us know in the comments please!