Presidential paintings. Former President George W. Bush ’68 has recently gained fame for his paintings, particularly of fellow world leaders. According to The New York Times, the 43rd president picked up painting after reading an essay recommended to him by Yale history professor John Gaddis. The essay was “Painting as a Pastime” by Winston Churchill.
Friendly wager. Gov. Dannel Malloy took on a “friendly” wager with Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear on the outcome of Monday night’s NCAA championship game according to a press release from the governor’s office. The game pitted the UConn Huskies and Kentucky Wildcats. Malloy wagered Connecticut wine, beer, and chocolate for a Huskies victory while Beshear bet a “fully-stocked Kentucky bourbon bar” on the Wildcats.
Closing the income gap. The Women’s Center is celebrating Equal Pay Day today. Women currently earn 23 percent less in the workplace than their male counterparts, so participating businesses are offering women a 23 percent discount. Participating businesses include FroyoWorld, Katalina’s Cupcakes and Ashley’s Ice Cream. Insomnia Cookies will also be selling six cookies for $7.50 for female students.
A Cappella April. April seems to the month for a cappella. This past weekend saw celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Spizzwinks(?) as well as the 25th anniversary of Shades. This upcoming weekend is the 75th anniversary reunion for the Society of Orpheus and Bacchus. But then again, there are so many a cappella groups on campus it’s surprising there’s not an anniversary every weekend of the year.
Sex map. The Brown Daily Herald recently published a guide on where to live on campus according to sexual preferences. For example, students who are fans of “exhibitionism” were encouraged to live in Wriston Quad, which sees a lot of foot traffic. Those interested in elevator sex were pointed towards “Minden, with eight floors-worth of sexy elevator time.” Several buildings were even recommended for shower sex.
Harvard all-stars. The Harvard Crimson recently published an online post featuring its “Class of 2017 Facebook group stars.” The piece included a Q&A with four students who had become notorious for their Facebook group posts. Two students said if they could do it again, they would still choose to be Facebook group celebrities.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1985 Princeton gifts fossils to Yale.
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