On the Toad’s property dispute

Yale appreciates the long and notable popular musical history of Toad’s in New Haven as related by owner Brian Phelps in Wednesday’s article (“Why Toad’s Should Stay,” Feb. 19), and has no desire to hinder Toad’s business in the future. Toad’s access to University property has always been granted with Yale’s voluntary permission, but now Toad’s contends that it no longer needs Yale’s permission. It is that contention that has led, unfortunately, to the current property dispute and litigation. While the dispute is being resolved, Yale has done nothing to impede Toad’s operation, and believes that an agreement can be reached with Toad’s that acknowledges Yale’s property rights and allows Toad’s to meet its requirements.

Tom Conroy

Feb. 20

The author is the University spokesman.

In defense of Broadway

Last week’s article (“On Broadway,” Feb. 14) criticized the new façade on the building on the corner of York and Broadway.  Reaction to design is subjective, of course, but it is fair to note that one current and two past deans of Yale’s School of Architecture, individuals who serve on a design advisory committee to the University, felt that the solution arrived at for the new facade was a good one. Many viewed the old façade as pedestrian and mediocre, and former dean and world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli applauded the new one as a vast improvement.

The article’s comments about the merchandise on Broadway are perhaps less susceptible to subjectivity.  Consumers vote with their dollars and the merchandise mix on Broadway, particularly the apparel stores, has been effective in creating sales volume, real estate taxes for the City and jobs for the community — much more so than any of the stores from past years. None of this is to imply that we do not welcome a dialogue, however, as University Properties is always open to new suggestions.

Carin Keane

Feb. 19

The author is the Director of Retail Leasing and Marketing for University Properties.