Doug Hausladen ’04 is getting an appointment. Ella Wood ’15 is getting a second chance.
Half a year after an unsuccessful challenge for Hausladen’s spot on the New Haven Board of Alders, Wood intends to re-run for the Ward 7 seat when Hausladen resigns in favor of a City Hall appointment, Ward 7 Co-chair Alberta Witherspoon told the News Tuesday afternoon.
Witherspoon said Wood and two other Ward 7 residents have approached her about running in the special election, which will take place sometime this spring. She said Wood called her Tuesday morning to express her interest in the seat.
Abby Roth ’90 LAW ’94, special assistant to Yale School of Management Dean Edward Snyder, said she also plans to run. Roth said Hausladen — who will take over as the city’s new traffic czar on Feb. 1 — approached her about succeeding him. She said a major component of her agenda would be helping Hausladen execute his vision for updating the city’s transportation services.
Witherspoon said a third candidate has approached her about possibly running, but she could not immediately recall his name. Witherspoon said she and her fellow co-chair, Nadine Wall, will meet with each of the interested candidates before making an endorsement. Hausladen said he has not resigned the seat yet and plans to settle into his new position as the director of the Department of Transportation, Traffic and Parking before he speaks with Democratic leadership about the ward.
The Ward 7 vacancy ensures a special election in a season already filled with spur-of-the-moment races. An election for the Ward 3 alder spot vacated by now Deputy Community Services Administrator Jackie James will take place on Feb. 17, followed by the election on Feb. 25 for Mayor Toni Harp’s old state senate seat. If Gary Holder-Winfield clinches that position — he is currently the only declared candidate, though he said Tuesday he is likely to face a Republican challenger — he will have to vacate his seat in the Connecticut House, leading to yet another special election. Ward co-chair races are scheduled for March 4.
Reached Monday evening following murmurs of Hausladen’s new post, Wood declined to say whether she would run.