The YSO ticket bubble has evidently yet to burst. At the stroke of 11:59 p.m., hundreds frantically refreshed their internet browser, hoping to be among the lucky few to nab tickets to the annual Yale Symphony Orchestra Halloween Show. In under ten minutes, all 2700 tickets were sold out.

The show, a Yale tradition where costumed students collect in Commons to watch a silent film set to a score by the YSO, had every ticket claimed by 12:06 a.m., according to an email sent to the YSO panlist.

Many students unable to nab a seat in time found the online ticketing process even more hyper-competitive and stressful than the usual shuffle over buying limited tickets through YSO members.

“I was on the page about five minutes before, and I refreshed it at 11:59, when I selected the option to buy a ticket as soon as the button was available,” Victoria Pierre ’15 said. “I then waited for 7-8 minutes to look for a place in line…but it told me that it was no longer available and it said it was sold out.”

Gabe Rissman ’16 had similar problems, saying that he too was met by a page which said “waiting in line” but never updated beyond that.

The insane speed at which the tickets sold out was not a complete surprise. Both Tyler Blackmon ’16 and Gabe Nathans ’16 said they anticipated the feeding frenzy.

“Less than ten minutes is insane,” Blackmon said. “Yalies clearly love their Halloween.”

Nathans, a member of the YSO, echoed that sentiment and said he believes attendees would find the show “worth every penny and more.”

Students who purchased tickets officially from YSO paid $12.50 — $15.00, but it remains to be seen how much tickets will sell for this year during the usual informal exchanges leading up to the show.

This post has been updated with additional sourcing and a correction was made to the ticket prices.