Disaster in action. During Friday’s session of G&G 100 “Natural Disasters,” students arrived to see that cans of Red Bull had been placed under each seat in SSS 114 with a note reading “Crack this can at 11:50 a.m. SHARP.” And, just as Professor Maureen Long launched into a discussion about earthquakes, the class erupted with cracks as the nearly 350 students enrolled opened their cans exactly at the same time. Science in action, indeed.
Billions on billions. A recruitment email from the Yale Investments Office suggested that the value of the University’s endowment may have reached $21 billion. While Yale has yet to release its endowment return for the 2013 fiscal year, an Investments Office financial analyst encouraged seniors in an email to attend an informational session and “meet the team that manages Yale’s $21 billion endowment.” As of June 30, 2012, the Yale endowment was valued at roughly $19.3 billion.
Another one. Nearly two weeks after clinching the Democratic nomination to be New Haven’s next mayor, Toni Harp ARC ’78 will receive yet another major endorsement: this time, from Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro. DeLauro, who withheld public support for any candidate during the four-way primary, is expected to endorse Harp during a rally in Wooster Square this afternoon.
Thank the chicken tenders. Yale was ranked tenth in a list released Thursday and compiled by the “Daily Meal” — a website that discusses culinary creations and restaurants — of the top 60 best colleges in the country for food. Colleges were judged on healthy food options, access to food, student feedback and an “X factor,” a unique twist that distinguishes the dining experience from that of other campuses. The jury’s still out on whether tofu apple crisp was the distinguishing factor that put Yale in the top 10.
Creating a startup culture. In a Sunday email to the student body, HackYale announced that it will start posting job offerings for technology start-ups in New York, Boston, Silicon Valley and New Haven. Because these small start-ups lack the manpower to recruit through Undergraduate Career Services, the HackYale team wrote that they wanted to spread word of these tech opportunities to Yalies and encourage them to apply to jobs outside of finance or consulting.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1947 The University receives an unexpected gift to add to its library: the first book ever published in the American colonies. The “Bay Psalm Book,” which is valued at $151,000 and highly prized by University librarians, is temporarily housed in Sterling Memorial Library.
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