Today’s primary for the Democratic nominations in the city’s mayoral, clerk and aldermanic races began with rain and confusion.
Polls opened at 6 a.m. this morning as light rain fell across the city, potentially suppressing turnout. They will remain open until 8 p.m. today
Volunteers and campaign staff for mayoral and aldermanic candidates have been awake since long before the polls opened. Several Ward 7 democratic activists planned to arrive at their polling location on Orange Street at 5:15 a.m. in the morning.
Over the past several months, both mayoral and aldermanic campaigns have identified supporters who they will need to push to the polls today. Candidates and their supporters alike said they plan to knock on doors and make phone calls until the polls close.
In East Rock, the neighborhood and support base for mayoral candidate Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10, confusion reigned when dozens of voters showed up at the wrong polling place. Many had previously lived in Elicker’s Ward 10, which votes at Wilbur Cross High School, but now live in Ward 19 or Ward 21 because of redistricting.
There are 30 polling places across the city. New Haven residents can find out where they vote here.