The Senior Class Gift wrapped up late Wednesday night with a 96.1 percent participation rate, the third-highest in Yale’s history, and $29,693.81 raised, marking an end to a three-week campaign that called on seniors to give back and “keep calm and boola on.”
In addition, participation incentives including $10,000 scholarships, dollar-for-dollar matching and a $100,000 challenge brought in around $250,000 in additional funding. Berkeley, Branford, Calhoun, Davenport, Ezra Stiles, Jonathan Edwards, Morse, Pierson and Trumbull secured the $10,000 scholarship, which is awarded to colleges with over 95 percent participation. The scholarships, which will be named for the college and the class, are presented to incoming freshmen in the fall. Timothy Dwight College, which had a 94.97 percent participation, also received a $10,000 scholarship.
Though the class of 2013’s total fell roughly $2,000 short of last year’s total and had a 1.5 percent lower participation rate, the campaign featured the largest number of volunteers, with 170 students working as coordinators, college representatives and class agents.
The campaign as a whole brought in 1,226 gifts from the senior class.
The contributions for the annual Senior Class Gift are earmarked for financial aid, research, Yale facilities and initiatives, and unrestricted funding.