It appears Yale may have its second snow day in a row tomorrow.
According to a New Haven City Hall press release, Yale University — along with New Haven City Hall, New Haven Public Schools, senior centers and libraries — will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday Feb. 12. City Hall spokeswoman Anna Mariotti told the News that Mayor John DeStefano Jr. confirmed to her that Yale will be closed tomorrow.
State Reps. Roland Lemar and Gary Holder-Winfield also posted on their Facebook pages that Yale will be closed tomorrow.
Roads around the hospitals, main arterial roads and secondary roads have been made passable in New Haven, but city crews will continue to work clearing neighborhoods today.
Update: 12:59 p.m.
University Vice President Linda Lorimer confirmed that Yale will be closed tomorrow in an email to the Yale community. Read the full text of her email below:
To the Yale Community:
At Mayor DeStefano’s request, classes will be cancelled University-wide for Tuesday, February 12. As has been the case since Friday, we need to rely again on all staff providing essential services to come to work and continue their remarkable, indeed heroic, services. (If you are involved in the provision of clinical services, please see the notice below.) If you provide essential services and cannot make it to work, please call your supervisor directly.
All other staff members are asked to stay home on Tuesday.
The city is working full blast with 120 crews on the streets, but the task is monumental. The crews are focusing on clearing streets today, and will spend all night on clearing intersections, where flooding is likely because of today’s rain. As the Mayor made clear (and our colleagues confirmed), there is no prospect that the downtown can handle anything close to a normal business day’s traffic volume tomorrow, and parking both downtown and on campus would be inadequate to accommodate our usual amount of vehicles. The Mayor is hopeful that New Haven can resume most normal activity on Wednesday, but we will have to play it day by day.
*Acute care services at Yale Health and Yale-New Haven Hospital will remain open, and we are working with Yale Medical Group and Yale-New Haven Hospital to determine which ambulatory clinics will be open tomorrow. Staff with responsibilities in clinical settings will receive a separate communication from the Yale Medical Group. Information about Tuesday’s clinical services will also be posted as available on and
*Through the heroic efforts of numerous people, Yale Dining continues to serve meals but there will be some alteration in which dining halls are open when. The College students will be informed.
*The Yale Shuttle will not be operating tomorrow.
*Although it may present inconveniences, researchers and other lab personnel are asked to delay, as much as possible, any experiments, routine operations, or other activities, since emergency responders are still having serious difficulty in getting around town and campus.
Many sidewalks are completely blocked, and walking in the streets presents both a hazard to you and an impediment to those trying to clean things up. We are aware of some very close calls where pedestrians walking in the streets were almost hit by vehicles. We also know that Yale Health is receiving reports of injuries related to falls. It is just not safe to be out and about on city sidewalks and streets!
Please continue to check for updates.