On Monday, four-star general and Yale lecturer Stanley McChrystal released his long-awaited memoir “My Share of the Task: A Memoir,” which discusses for the first time McChrystal’s resignation in 2010.
McChrystal, who lost his job as commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan after deriding the Obama administration in an article for the Rolling Stone, currently serves as a senior fellow for Yale’s Jackson Institute of Global Affairs. In his memoir, McChrystal calls the comments against the Obama administration published in the Rolling Stone “unacceptable,” though he spends only one and a half pages on the incident that ended his 34-year military career.
“Regardless of how I judged the story for fairness or accuracy, responsibility was mine,” McChrystal writes in his memoir.
In the memoir, McChrystal discusses the “deficit of trust” between the White House and the Department of Defense that arose from tensions over strategic planning in Afghanistan. McChrystal also briefly touches upon the controversy surrounding the alleged cover-up of friendly fire incident that killed Army Ranger Pat Tillman.
In 2004, McChrystal approved a Silver Star for Tillman, citing bravery in the face of “devastating enemy fire,” though it was later revealed that Tillman had been killed by friendly fire, not enemy fire. McChrystal writes that he alerted his superiors of these findings, who still decided to bestow the star on Tillman’s family. The Pentagon later cleared McChrystal of any wrongdoing.
Since coming to Yale in 2010 following his resignation, McChrystal has co-taught the “Gateway to Global Affairs” course in the fall and a graduate-level seminar on “Leadership” in the spring. Last year, “Leadership” garnered more than 250 applications for 20 spots.
McChrystal will give a lecture entitled “History, Leadership, and Personal Experience: From the Post-Vietnam Army to Today” in the Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall on Jan. 23.