A road runner, FOOT leader and community health educator, Yale College Council vice-presidential candidate Debby Abramov ’14 said she prides herself on embracing challenges.
A current member of several committees on YCC, chair of the YCC’s Undergraduate Career Services committee and former vice chair of the Freshman Class Council, Abramov said she thinks her experience with Yale student government qualifies her to represent fellow students. If elected, she said, she hopes to expand mental health resources, open a “marketplace” online where students can exchange items such as couches and subsidize activities for students who stay on campus during the new fall break next year.
Abramov said her mental health reforms would be targeted at sophomores since they often receive less support than other students, and she plans to host a series of workshops about academics, friendships and stress tailored to sophomores’ specific needs.
“Improving mental health is a direct way to impact student life,” she said.
She also said she hopes to help students make use of the new fall break by fielding ideas for events and allowing students to vote for their favorites.
In addition, Abramson said she wants to create a centralized location for buying and selling furniture and books on the YCC website to help students save money. This “marketplace” will help eliminate the confusion that using Facebook and Yale Station for these transactions currently causes, Abramson said.
“I really enjoy planning, organizing and giving back to Yale as an institution,” Abramov said.
She planned Freshman Olympics last year, and has recently helped with the Iron Chef and Mr. Yale competitions.
Abramov said a good Vice President should have an “intimate knowledge” of the YCC, and her experience would serve her well. Abramov said the campaign process has helped her see the YCC as students do, rather than from “the inside looking out.”
“She’s very much a team player,” said Eric Eliasson ’14, who worked closely with Abramov last year on FCC. “She’s always there to fill in when something needs to be done.”
Courtney Halgren ’14, Abramov’s roommate for two years, said she thinks Abramov would bring energy and commitment to the position of vice president.
“Debby’s a really passionate person who’s thorough and thoughtful,” Halgren said. “She sticks to her word.”
Abramov currently serves on the YCC’s UCS, Mental Health, Events and Communications Committees, as well the Committee on Sexual Climate.