Solidarity. In response to recent reports that the New York Police Department kept track of Muslim students at Yale, a group of students has launched a “Call the NYPD” photo campaign on Facebook. The campaign’s Facebook page features photos of Yalies holding handwritten “I am … ” signs in various campus locations. The signs range from “I am a Muslim” and “I am a woman” to “I’m sexy and I know it” and “I’m secretly a unicorn.”
Diversity. At a Yale Law School town hall meeting on faculty diversity, the school’s faculty hiring committee announced that it offered tenure to a Hispanic professor. The school has never had a tenured Latino faculty member. Six anonymous sources who attended the meeting, which was closed to the press, said the professor offered tenure was Cristina Rodriguez ’95 LAW ’00. Law School spokeswoman Janet Conroy said an offer was made to a Latina professor, but she declined to confirm or deny Rodriguez’s name.
Not number one? Yale Law School is the top law school in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report, but when it comes to sending alumni to the nation’s top 250 law firms, the Law School fell below its peers, according to a new ranking by the National Law Journal. Yale landed at 15th on the list. Penn topped the list, followed by Northwestern, Columbia, Harvard and Stanford.
Arepas on High. A new sign emerged in front of the 25 High St. location that once housed ¡Ay! Salsa. Ernesto Garcia, a onetime chef at the Latin restaurant that closed in December, confirmed the new restaurant will open after break.
The Right Track. Lady Gaga is launching her Born This Way Foundation today at Harvard. The launch comes with much fanfare — there will be a lecture on cyberbullying and a youth advocacy boot camp focused on the theme of bravery. A Harvard official declined to say whether the Lady will perform.
Another kind of star. Two men set up telescopes on Broadway outside Gourmet Heaven Tuesday night to let passersby sneak a glimpse of Jupiter or the moon.
Change is … now a video. The Yale College Democrats launched a video Tuesday featuring images of students holding signs reading “Change is …” coupled with a clip of President Barack Obama speaking and a song by Arcade Fire.
1968 Several thousand anti-war demonstrators prepare to gather on the New Haven Green and march a loop along Temple, George, Crown, Chapel and College Streets.