Fox News offered a fair and balanced report on Sex Week 2012 in a Thursday segment on the O’Reilly Factor.

Jesse Watters, a producer for Bill O’Reilly’s show, spun a few interviews of Yalies into an insightful look at Sex Week. His short segment features students — representing a broad cross section of the campus community — forced to justify the place of a controversial sex education program in an ever-changing world.

In the segment, Watters struggles to understand college life at Yale. In an attempt to relate to one female student, an interview ends abruptly after the Fox producer and Trinity graduate claims, “When I was in college, every week was Sex Week.” The student appears visibly miffed and walks away.

Unfortunately, most Yalies missed the Tuesday descent of O’Reilly’s gang to Yale’s campus. Next time, we’ll have to be sure we take a break from Yeats and do more to flatter the number one network in cable news.