A number of Yale students disrupted the Occupy New Haven campground Saturday night, stealing signs and creating a “night of terror,” according to several Occupiers. Martina Crouch ’14, who has been affiliated with Occupy New Haven since it started last October, said she heard about the event from another Occupier and a Yale graduate.
Meanwhile, early Sunday morning, a photograph appeared on Yale College Republicans Chairman Michael Knowles’ ’12 Facebook wall showing his suitemate in Davenport College flanked by two of the signs, which read “Fox News Lies” and “Occupy Wall Street.” The photo was captioned “End of Tory Banquet.” It has since been removed, along with comments in which Knowles says that “in a functional city, the job would have been done by sanitation workers and policemen, as has been the case in New York, L.A., Oakland, D.C., Boston, and elsewhere.”
In a Monday interview, Knowles said he neither saw nor participated in any “raid” on Occupy New Haven’s encampment, and that the signs found their way to campus by unknown means.
“As I’m sure you know, by rumor, sight, or participation, signs regularly go missing at the Occupy site—taken by Yalies, students of other universities, and New Haven residents who are simply irked that a group of ne’er-do-wells have stolen a once-beautiful public space and destroyed it—and this seems to have happened on Saturday night,” Knowles wrote in an email.
Knowles added that he was uncertain if anything had even occurred Saturday night, as he said he passed the Green that night and didn’t hear or see anything unusual, and neither the NHPD nor Yale Security reported anything amiss.
The Freshman Class Council’s Freshman Screw was held on Saturday night.