Forget Mory’s. This is big.
After receiving an invitation from the White House in late October, The Whiffenpoofs — Yale’s oldest a cappella group — will sing for the First Family and their guests at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. on Tuesday to reign in the holiday season.
“We will be singing a series of holiday songs woven in with our traditional mixed-genre repertoire,” said Whiffenpoof business manager Alexander Oki in a Friday press release.
In the past the Whiffs have performed for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush ’48, Bill Clinton LAW ’73 and George W. Bush ’68.
CLARIFICATION: An earlier version of this article referred to the Whiffenpoofs as Yale’s “poofiest” a cappella group. It was intended as a play on the latter half of their name. We apologize for failing to realize its offensive connotations and thank commenter penny_lane for highlighting our oversight.