Want to spend your first day of Thanksgiving Break eating dining hall food?
Well you’re in luck! Yale Dining’s hosting a tailgate for The Game. In an email sent to students on Friday, Yale Dining began advertising for its own celebration of Yale pride and asked students to bring their IDs to access the goodies. The menu for tailgate will include Pulled Pork sandwiches, Nitrate-free all beef hot dogs and vegan chili, said Regenia Phillips, Director of Yale Dining. She added that sides like chips and cookies would also be provided.
Every residential college will also have its own tailgate, the email said. According to the SAC chairs of several colleges, these will be catered (like, not by the dining hall).
“Each residential college will have ribs, steak tips, potato salad, cole slaw, corn-on-the-cob,” said Zola Quao ’13, one of Morse’s SAC chairs. “[It’s] basically anything you’d ever want to eat at a tailgate.”
Though variably enforced, residential college tailgates will be accessible only to students in the college.
But where Dining’s party is concerned, Harvard gets to come too. Dining expects that their tailgating tent will be the primary destination for hungry Harvard students, Phillips said, and they are preparing to accommodate 2500 students.