The Ward 1 aldermanic race is going viral.
The Vinay for Ward 1 campaign released a video on Sunday featuring footage from aldermanic candidate Vinay Nayak’s ’14 Sept. 26 rally outside Lanman-Wright Hall. Set to the tune of The Naked and Famous’ hit “Young Blood,” the two-and-a-half minute campaign video offers glimpses of Nayak’s registration drive and students who supported Nayak by writing their name in chalk, interspersed with scenes of the aldermanic candidate speaking with students and community members.
The video, edited by Camille Chambers ’14, ends with a shot of “Vote Vinay Nov. 8.” written in chalk on Old Campus. Nayak will face Sarah Eidelson ’12 in the election. Eidelson has received the endorsements of the future aldermen for the three wards surrounding Yale.