Students who have never done an official tour of Yale can now do so without ever getting out of bed.
This week, the Admissions Office released a virtual walkthrough of Yale’s campus, from Commons to Cross Campus and the Residential Colleges, all the way up to Science Hill. Along the way, tourists are guided by holographs of Yale students who describe the University’s buildings and resources and give several facts about Yale’s history. In addition to a step by step “walk” through campus, the website provides viewers with screenshots of the University’s facilities in 360 degrees, as well as videos related to particular buildings, including Sterling Memorial Library and the Yale Daily News.
The virtual tour webpage consists of four parts: a campus tour, a science tour, a residential colleges tour and an athletics tour, each showcasing a different aspect of life at Yale. The residential colleges tour, for example, tells viewers about the role of masters and deans, and facilities like dining halls, dormitories and butteries. The website also includes tabs for prospective students to receive updates from the Admissions Office, schedule a visit to campus and apply to Yale online.