We are all relieved to have reached the last week of classes, so what better to celebrate than with some fun Master’s Teas?
If you adored “Eating Animals,” head over on to the Swing Space Common room Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. to see Josh Goldman, the founder and CEO of Australis Aquaculture. Goldman is a leader in the movement for sustainable seafood, and he had developed many aquaculture friendly technologies. Goldman wants to popularize consumption of the barramundi, a Sea Bass from Southeast Asia, at the next “Hot Culinary Trend.” This event is co-sponsored by Ezra Stiles and Yale Dining.
Need a bit of magic to get through exams? Magician and illusionist Jeff McBride may be able to help out. McBride is known for his hand and card tricks, as well as his fire-eating skills. He has won many awards, including the “Magician of the Year” award from the International Grand Prix of Magic. McBride will be speaking at Pierson at 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 28th.