Blame Yale? Allen Hunt GRD ’94, a conservative pundit, said in his radio show that Barbara Bush’s ’04 decision to speak out in support of gay marriage was the University’s fault, according to If he were George W. Bush ’68 he would be “mad at Yale,” he said.

Raymond Clark III’s fiancée, Yale employee Jennifer Hromadka, visits Clark in prison regularly, the Associated Press reported. Clark pleaded not guilty to the murder of Annie Le GRD ’13 last January. “She supports him,” her lawyer said. “I think it shows how strong their relationship is. She stands behind him and is willing to offer him her assistance.”

In a letter to President Barack Obama, Governor Dannel Malloy said he was preparing to ask for federal assistance to deal with the aftermath of recent snowstorms, the New Haven Register reported. He wrote that he will “request additional federal aid commensurate with the severity of damages as the situation continues to unfold.”

No ROTC for Harvard. The Harvard Crimson reported that the chairman for the group “Advocates for Harvard ROTC” said the school will most likely not get a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps within three to five years.

Yale Law School professor Stephen Carter LAW ’79 argued in the Daily Beast that the Obama administration needs to take a stance on the Egyptian protests : “We need more than ever a clear Obama Doctrine that offers guidance to people who, yearning for liberty, might want to know before they go into the streets whether the United States will be on their side.”

He’s so lucky, he’s a star. Sam Tsui ’11 and Kurt Hugo Schneider’s ’10 cover of Britney Spears’ new single “Hold It Against Me” was featured on the pop star’s official website Thursday.

Spanish Literature Professor Roberto González Echevarría will be presented with a National Humanities Medal given by President Barack Obama in a White House ceremony in March, according to an e-mail sent to faculty in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese by Department Chair Rolena Adorno.

Caution! Mats were placed on the Farmington Canal pedestrian bridges after winter weather led to many students slipping on the walkways.


1936 The Winter Carnival kicks off in the New Haven arena rigged with a ski jump and ice rink. Performances include the Byrd Antarctic Expedition dog teams and a one-legged figure skater.