Ready to catch some extra Z’s? Classes scheduled to begin at 9:25 a.m. will start at their regular time next semester, Associate Registrar Daria Vander Veer announced Tuesday. They had been moved to 9:20 a.m. because of construction on the Prospect Street Bridge.
Twelve hundred tickets to The Game were sold Monday. Only 600 tickets were sold on the first day of sales two years ago, said Jeremy Makins, director of ticket operations.
In case all 3,000 student tickets sell out, Makins said, the ticket office is holding some seats in the general and alumni sections for students to purchase.
The UConn Bowl? The New Haven Register published an editorial Tuesday saying the University of Connecticut should use the venue as its home game site because of the poor facilities at its own Rentschler Field.
Not so Loko. In an e-mail to Yale College, Chief of Student Health James M. Perlotto and Dean of Student Affairs Marichal Gentry outlined the damaging effects of alcoholic energy drinks like Four Loko, including that they “lead you to lose control unknowingly.”
But Loko is getting a little less loco. Four Loko’s makers are taking the caffeine out of the drink, the New York Times reported. The action is a pre-emptive move, since it was already reported that the Food and Drug Administration might act this week.
James Franco GRD ’16 was named “Leading Man of the Year” by GQ in its “2010 Men of the Year” list.
A Yale CEO? Not so fast. Only three CEOs of the top 100 companies on this year’s Fortune 500 list graduated from Yale, according to U.S. News & World Report. Harvard ranked first with 15 degrees.
Want to come to Inferno, mom? Family Weekend will fall on the weekend leading up to Halloween next year. The actual holiday will fall on a Monday, however.
Just when you thought the New York City smoking bans were over, the Columbia University Senate is considering a motion to ban smoking within 50 feet of all University buildings, the Columbia Spectator reported.
1942 Undergraduates are puzzled by messages left by a group known as “Followers of Hogan.” It is later discovered that the group simply wished to remember Hogan, a recently deceased cat that spent time in the Timothy Dwight courtyard.