Twenty-three Yale alumni in Peru singed a letter to University President Richard Levin last week, joining Peruvian President Alana Garcia in asking Yale to return Inca artifacts found in Machu Picchu.
Operator? AT&T users in New Haven were temporarily stranded Thursday — again. A company spokesman said the telecommunications giant is “already putting a solution in place.”
Harvard is hairier. According to a recent study from the makers of Schick razors and Sperling’s BestPlaces, Yale ranks among the top five cleanest-shaven schools in America. Harvard, by contrast, is in the bottom five.
But will he give away cars? CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper ’89 will split his time between a nighttime news show and a daytime talk show beginning this fall, Warner Brothers announced Thursday.
After 20 years of service, Linda, the Saybrook dining hall desk attendant known for her penchant for knitting, will be moving on to the Hall of Graduate Studies.
In other Saybrook dining hall news, contrary to Yale’s most recent eco-friendly push, Saybrook students on Thursday used not only disposable cups (for free!), but all plastic utensils. The reason for the night of disposable dinnerware? The dishwasher was broken.
JE > Toad’s. Andy Zhou ’13 drew a small crowd of fans Thursday when he played a mix of pop songs, including “Dynamite,” “Heartbreaker” and “Down,” on the piano in the JE common room.
After discussing Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony in his “Listening to Music” lecture Thursday, Professor Craig Wright played “A Fifth of Beethoven” — a disco version of the symphony from the film “Saturday Night Fever” — and proceeded to break it down on stage in Hendrie Hall. There was much rejoicing.
In celebration of the Jewish holiday Simchat Torah, a crowd of about 50 people wandered campus Thursday night clutching Torahs and singing Jewish songs. The group was spotted on Cross Campus, in Davenport and outside the News.
A man successfully fought a strong-arm robbery at 217 Park St. to save his wallet Wednesday afternoon, according to a campus-wide e-mail from the Yale Police.
1979 The Ramones play at Toad’s Place, starting a set with “Blitzkrieg Bop” and ending with three encores.