A year after Harvard’s endowment plunged 27.3 percent, the fund recovered 11 percent in the fiscal year that ended June 30, climbing back to $27.4 billion. On The Harvard Crimson’s article reporting the news, the first commenter wondered, “Does this mean that we get hot breakfast back?”
Cheer for beer. A group of protesters interrupted an employment information session for Anheuser-Busch at the Omni hotel on Thursday evening. Wearing Pabst Blue Ribbon-themed clothes, the rabble-rousers chanted “Budweiser Sucks!” and passed out cans of PBR.
Think getting into Yale was hard? Based on the number of applications so far, the acceptance rate for recruitment coordinator positions at the Admissions Office is on track to be lower than Yale’s 7.5 percent admission rate. Applications are due at 5 p.m. today.
Wet hot American fall. About 30 seniors showed up to Cross Campus Thursday night to issue a 30-second primal scream and prompty empty recycling bins full of water balloons all over each other. The self-styled “Thursday Night Social Club” plans to host an event every week.
A black leather sofa outside the art room in the new Morse basement went missing Thursday, prompting Master Frank Keil to remind students in his daily e-mail that “removing furniture from common spaces is theft and is taken very seriously.”
A game of capture the flag between Morse freshmen and upperclassmen broke out on Old Campus early Thursday morning. But the showdown soon turned into an inter-college match when students from Jonathan Edwards intervened.
The inaugural Battle the Bowl stadium climb will take place Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Yale Bowl. For $20, which covers food and drink, spectators can watch participants dash up and down the stairs of the stadium. Proceeds will benefit the American Lung Association in the effort to improve air quality and prevent lung disease.
“The Romantics,” the movie about seven Yalies who reuinite in their 30s for a wedding that opens this weekend nationwide, inspired USA TODAY to remark in a review, “Can Yale grads possibly be this vapid?”
1978 Afro-American Studies chair Charles Davis announces the creation of a master’s program for the department, making Yale the third university to offer a graduate program in the subject and the first in the Ivy League.