You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay in Bass. The library will not be open 24 hours again this finals period. The extended hours were eliminated last semester due to budget cuts.

Durfee’s won the National Association of College and University Food Services’ “Best in the Business” award for its 2009 renovations, beating stores at 12 other colleges. To celebrate, Yale Dining will throw a party today in Durfee’s from 3 to 6 p.m., featuring free samples such as pizza bites and Pepsi drinks.

UOFC’s Insulin Shock dance party raised about $1,500 on Saturday. The funds will benefit diabetics as vouchers for blood tests, blood glucose strips and other medical supplies.

In other charity news, Pierson’s auction at Pierson Day on Saturday brought in more than $400 for Relay for Life.

Stilesians armed with swords and shields pillaged several other colleges on Saturday for Medieval (K)night. In the JE dining hall, the warriors stole fruit, ice cream, cereal, napkin holders, and salt and pepper shakers. But in a last-minute change of heart, they left all but the ice cream and cereal in the JE courtyard.

Too busy reading the Cross Campus blog? In an e-mail to supporters, Ward 1 Alderman Mike Jones ’11 asked for feedback about his student engagement efforts, acknowledging that his blog had “very few page views, subscriptions, and almost no comments.”

Extra! Extra! As part of initiations this weekend, taps for the Baker’s Dozen had to eat spam pizza, sing outside Au Bon Pain and, perhaps most difficult, sell copies of the New Haven Register on the street.

Still not as cool as Bulldog Days. In an effort to jazz up the name of Harvard’s admitted students’ weekend, the university has renamed its event “Visitas.” But the 1,000 admittees who arrived in Cambridge last weekend may not have noticed, since the official printed materials still bore the program’s former title, “April Visiting Days.”

A free ride … to jail. Quandria Bailey, 28, was arrested this weekend after police said she called 911 six times to request transport from a Wooster Square nightclub to her home in Meriden.


1967 Senator Mark Hatfield, in a speech at the Yale Political Union, upbraids the Johnson Administration for using “McCarthyite tacics” to silence opponents of its Vietnam war policy.