I hate to use the phrase “Oscar bait,” but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck …
“Ondine,” the new film from writer/director Neil Jordan (“The Crying Game”), looks like it may be for Colin Farrell what “Crazy Heart” was for Jeff Bridges, by which I mean a film marketed towards creating Oscar buzz for the lead. For Bridges, that meant selling him as the overlooked industry sweetheart who has recognized his own maturity. For Farrell, that means two things: a) being Irish, and b) establishing a persona that is the polar opposite of the Farrell of “Daredevil,” “S.W.A.T.” and “Miami Vice.”
Which isn’t to say that I necessarily mind being sold that bill of goods, even if the trailer is laughably similar to “A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever.” Farrell proved his worth to me in 2008 with “In Bruges,” Martin McDonagh’s darkly comedic masterpiece, and I think he deserves a place at the table with the big boys.
Let’s hope “Ondine” doesn’t collapse under its own weight. It hits theaters June 4.