Gandhi 4 prez? The three students running for Yale College Council president apparently have some new competition: According to a Facebook group that had 110 members as of 11 p.m. Thursday night, Mohandas Gandhi is also running for YCC president.

In other (real) YCC news, now that Jeff Gordon’s ’12 campaign video has hit the Web, all three YCC presidential candidates have posted videos on YouTube. Gordon’s video splices campaign promises from the mouth of his present-day self with family videos from his early childhood.

YCC platforms: discuss. The News will film a debate among the three presidential candidates today. Want to contribute? Post your questions as comments on the Cross Campus blog or send an e-mail to

31 — You know who you are. As of Thursday morning, only 31 U.S. census forms had not been submitted in Yale College.

The cola war continues. In a letter to the editor in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, School of Medicine Dean Robert Alpern defended Yale’s decision to accept a grant from PepsiCo to fund nutrition research. “Yale does not allow donors to influence the design or conduct of funded research because doing so would compromise the value of the research,” he wrote.

More Yale hockey? The School of Management class of 2011 claimed a 5–1 victory over the class of 2010 in a hockey game at Ingalls Rink on Thursday night. The scoreboard incorrectly changed during the game to show a 99–4 lead for 2010, before switching to 20–10 for 2010. The Yale Precision Marching Band attended the game, at which pizza and beer were served.

“(No) Exit.” The Yale Dramatic Coalition show, which was set to be performed in the Ezra Stiles Little Theater this weekend, has been postponed a week. The reason, according to an e-mail to theatergoers, was that the play relies on technology so advanced it will not be invented for at least six more days.

Don’t drive drunk. Officers trained in DUI detection will be conducting additional patrols throughout the city starting today. This effort resumes last year’s patrolling, in which 318 arrests were made.


1986 Rocks are thrown from a Berkeley College balcony at students attending a Gay and Lesbian Awareness Days (GLAD) slideshow on Cross Campus. The rocks hit Yale-owned equipment and three students, but no serious damage occurred.