Vintage lighter cuff links
Next time she asks for a light, look no further than your sleeve. Smooth.
Sex (With People)
Because you deserve it. And you’re running out of socks.
KATIE, 5-year-old fashion blogger
And you thought Tavi was a wunderkind. Katie loves magazines, but now she’s “really all about new media.”
The Inchoate
Google image search this baby. Yeah, it might be imperfect and underdeveloped, but this literary concept’s sure to make the family laugh at large reunions.
White Socks
b e c a u s e t h e y ’ r e c o m i n g b a c k .
Dane Cook
What? No…
Olympic Love
They’re the ultimate athletes in the galaxy. In committed relationships with each other, which is hot.
Serbia’s Gypsy Community
With a Jew’s harp and a beat we’ll dance: “Sa romalen pucela / Bubamara sosi acela / Devla, Devla vacar le / Bubamaru koka pocinel.”
Figure skating couples
Skating couples exude passion on and off the rink. Just check out Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo.
Perry Anderson
This British Marxist poststructuralist theorist, currently a professor of history and sociology at UCLA is sure to make the booty go “ahhh!”
The Gondo Gorge
This Swiss mountain gorge inspired Wordsworth’s reverie in the Alps in Book VI of the Prelude.
Harry Phillips
This avid reader of “Brideshead Revisited” and author of the Oxford Cherwell’s “John Evelyn” gossip column is rumoured to be in love with Mary Franklin.