An article that appeared today on the Web site of the New Yorker rehashes the reactions of several Yale alumni who watched the new admissions video, “That’s Why I Chose Yale.” Among the interviewed alums was Christopher Buckley ’75, last year’s Class Day speaker, and former Harper’s Magazine editor Lewis Lapham ’56. Both Buckley and Lapham remarked that they were not fond of the video — to say the least.
According to the New Yorker, three minutes into watching the video Buckley “paused to pour himself a ‘stiff one’ and dashed off an e-mail to another alumnus: ‘OMFG!’ “
Lapham was equally appalled: “Halfway in, I said, ‘These people are kidding,’ ” Lapham said in the article. “Then I realized, ‘No, they’re not.’ And I was depressed.”
But not all alumni were dismayed by Yale’s new recruiting initiative. Dick Cavett ’58, told the New Yorker that he found the video “delightful.”
Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Doug Wright ’85 said he considered the video a Yale College version of the Disney movie “High School Musical,” adding that the admissions office has “all but planted a flag” in Yale’s reputation as ‘the gay Ivy.’
“That’s Why I Chose Yale” co-writer and producer Andrew Johnson ’06 said he never expected the the video to garner national attention. He added that neither he nor director Ethan Kuperberg ’11, had seen “High School Musical” or “Glee” before the taping of the video.
“Irony 101,” by Ben McGrath, will be printed in the Feb. 15 issue of the New Yorker.