Wanted: Dark, Handsome and Funny (m) seeks Fun-loving and Athletic (f)
Name: Lee Kennedy-Shaffer
College: Ezra Stiles
Year: 2013
Age: 18
Eyes: Chocolate
Hair: Dark brown
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Hobbies and interests: IMs (all of them), the Liberal Party, tutoring, Frisbee, soccer
Favorite TV shows: “The Office” & “30 Rock”
Fun fact:
1. Was two votes shy of making prom court in high school
2. Knows all the words to “Party in the USA”
Likes: someone with a good sense of humor who is fun-loving and likes being outdoors, someone who doesn’t mind embarrassing herself (very important!) and is somewhat athletic
Are you looking for a date for Freshman Screw? Do you or someone you know fit the above description, and does the man described here sound like someone you could see yourself with? Then Lee could be the right choice for you for Screw and beyond. Contact lee.kennedy-shaffer@yale.edu.