scene is 10 years old. So scene thought, ‘What better way to celebrate the 21st century, than to assault former editors with endless gmails and google waves — very 21st century — prompting them to reflect on the past 10 years?’ But first, here’s our contribution:
Ten years ago,
scene was forced to take a cold shower for
five whole minutes.
scene’s sleepaway camp counselor was a
power hungry bastard.
But now he’s unemployed.
The future presents no food on the table
for camp counselors who throw little boys into cold showers.
A decade ago,
scene found itself in cast
while slipping on the floor in a frenetic dash
clad in a plaid skirt, shirt always untucked
scene blamed the establishment for such a muck
The rain came and a trash bag covered the bruise,
but could never heal that wounded pride.
Now scene is left with a leg smaller on one side.
’Twas oh, 10 very merry years ago
That good Sir scene found himself again
Lost and in the drain. But oh-ho-ho!
What was this new, wild, delightful refrain?
The internet, the world, Web 1.0
People there in the drawing room … and games!
scene also learned how to make a bomb:
A bottle, a rag and some gasoline.
What a romp it’s been, to watch and be scene,
for 10 years of living; like young Omar Searcy,
a few films in pale mists of all cinemas constitute
a few short hours of toil in the fog. But echoes from the future,
of when the 100,000,000th breath of hoary newsprint
wakes us at 4 a.m. (we’ll have hit the hay before twilight),
wake us at the close of dawn, may you and we be sleepy
from having recited too much Milton or whatnot in the backgarden:
may scene’s life and yours be long.