This year’s Yale College Council election saw unprecedented media efforts from candidates to attract voters: Jon Wu’s ’11 “Wu’s the One That I Want,” Ryan Beauchamp’s ’10 campaign video (and his, er, 90-second mash-up) and, of course Colin Adamo’s ’10 “Behind the Treasure.”
But this YouTube frenzy really managed to obfuscate the main issues behind the YCC election. What were they? I don’t really know at this point, but apparently the YCC is “change”ing (no surprise there). Election videos should inform a public (Beauchamp’s attempt was best, but still floundered in the realm of generalities), not simply throw slogans left, right and center (I’m thinking of “Yes Wu Can,” “Wu’s the One That I Want,” “All I want is Wu” — Christ, can you cram in any more?).
But the videos can wax lyrical at times. Adamo’s fantasy novel aesthetic is particularly pleasing, while Wu’s films feature friends and Yale celebrities (Dean of Yale College Mary Miller, the Flower Lady and Courtney Pannell ’11, a staff writer for the News, are among them) spouting slogans, singing (at points excruciatingly), dancing and saying stupid shit. Just see Pannell’s “I think Jon Wu should definitely be president because ‘Wu’ rhymes with so many different words like ‘boo’ and ‘shoe’ and ‘do.’ ”
But it’s all in good fun. Although, people probably watch Wu’s videos for the same reason they read my high school newspaper — to see their faces or the faces of their friends happily endorsing a candidate. Okay, they’re cheesy. Okay, they don’t say much. But you gotta love ’em.