A time to reflect. This year’s 9/11 memorial service, sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office, will take place from noon to 6 p.m. at Battell Chapel. The event is likely to prove less political than last year’s memorial, at which Donald Kagan gave the keynote address.
Nearly 1,000 Americans received phone calls last night from Yalies asking them to vote Democratic in the upcoming presidential election. The occasion? Yale for Obama’s kick-off, which drew a crowd of one hundred to the Pierson College dining hall. “It was really exciting,” reports Ward 1 Alderwoman Rachel Plattus ’09. “Lots of freshmen!”
As QPac student reporters attempt to summon the spirit of Roger Sherman, the first mayor of New Haven and a drafter of the Declaration of Independence, school officials are only assuming tighter control over the student press. The News asked Quinnipiac President John L. Leahy for an explanation, but he did not return the e-mail. See page 3.
Lines fit for rock stars greeted students passing through Commons yesterday — and they weren’t both for Stir. One was for the fireside chat to be held next Friday at Woolsey Hall with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Levin. Although tickets are now sold out, anglophile Elis need not fear: The interview will be broadcast on Channel 10.
V for Vengeance. Gabrielle Rabinowitz ’11 arrived at the Party of the Left’s debate on the topic “Justice Requires Vengeance” dressed as the character V. Despite her “awesome speech,” according to Chair Alexander Martone ’10, the resolution failed 7-19-3. Meanwhile, the Independent Party stuck to its guns in debating “Resolved: Repeal the Second Amendment.”
About 200 agog Yale seniors showed up to the Boston Consulting Group’s 8 p.m. information session at the Omni Hotel last night. But one source close to BCG says the firm plans to hire — brace yourselves — only one dozen students for its New York City office… from all candidates across the country.
The Yale Precision Marching Band held its first field rehearsal today, spelling out the standard pre-game “Y,” the word “TOGA” — and, of course, “Eli.”
2001 As the largest terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil caused the nation to stand still, New Haven became an epicenter of Manhattan’s escapees. Metro-North trains arrived every 40 minutes to Union Station more packed than ever before. City resident Aubert Conway, 79, was reminded of the scene in New Haven after Pearl Harbor. “Everyone went crazy — you couldn’t walk the streets,” he said. “I never forgot it. But that was different from this. Then, we knew who was behind it.”
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