In running for chair of the UOFC, Matthew Marr ’10 hopes he can add more of a personal touch to the organization’s operations.
“The UOFC is basically a customer-service program,” the Berkeley College sophomore said. “It works between administration and students for funding.”
Marr said he would encourage a closer relationship between UOFC liaisons and the organizations they represent. As a liaison this year, Marr said, he has already implemented such measures, meeting with the organizations that he represents before their applications are reviewed in order to explain constraints and to maximize the funds a group is able to procure.
“If we can tell them that they’re going to get only $50 for food, when they get it, it won’t be a surprise,” he said.
Ultimately, Marr said he sees the chair’s position as a balancing act between this personal touch and an eye for details.
Among the specific projects Marr plans to implement would be a program to reduce printing and publishing costs for groups on campus. Instead of giving groups thousands of dollars for photocopying and publicity purposes, Marr said he would like to see the UOFC set up an account with a specific printing company to reduce costs.
More than anything, however, he said he wants to strengthen relations between the UOFC and the student population it serves.
“It’s a great group, and I wish it wasn’t such a secret,” Marr said. “We do a lot of great things that the campus doesn’t realize.”
Marr hails from Columbia City, Ind., where he attended Churubusco High School. He is majoring in molecular biophysics and biochemistry.