Travis Long ’10 is taking his cues from the 2008 presidential campaign — he is all about transparency.
“Every cent Barack gets, you can trace back to the people who gave it to him,” Long said. “And that is what needs to happen with YSAC-funded events.”
Long’s promise of transparency extends to his goals for Spring Fling as well. He said the musical acts who come to campus should not be determined by the 15 members who sit on the committee but rather by the students themselves.
“It’s your money,” Long said. “You should know what it’s being used for.”
If elected, Long said he hopes to introduce a YSAC-sponsored Special Olympics, in addition to revamping the Fall Show and the Battle of the Bands.
But despite his new ideas, Long said he respects established customs.
“Tradition is something you don’t want to mess with,” Long said. “So I probably wouldn’t alter the Social Cup that much.”
Long thinks his biggest contribution to YSAC would be his ability to inspire fellow members to organize exciting events for Yale. Rhasaan Nichols ’08, who has worked with Long on theater productions, said he is always incredibly dedicated to whatever he does.
“I’ve seen Travis put his whole heart into this campaign,” Nichols said. “And it has been really inspiring.”
Long said that in one word, he would describe himself as “a workhorse.”
Long has not previously held a position on YSAC.