Halloween: the time to wear outrageous outfits, meet your neighbors and celebrate nationwide obesity, eased by the sweet delirium of creative alcoholic beverages. Beyond the traditional costume comparing and liquor-treating, Yale offers a variety of holiday activities that caters to revelers of all different tastes. Whether you want to get the pants scared off you or ditch the pants altogether to take advantage of what Cady from “Mean Girls” dubs “the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it,” scene has an event for you. Grab an old pillowcase and get ready to gobble up all your favorite items. Trick or treat!
Candy Apples — a delicious sustainable choice
Enjoy a natural New England autumn celebration free from the stress of traffic and midterms by hiking up to the Yale Farm for this Friday’s Harvest Festival. From 1-5 p.m. the farm will be offering games and an array of seasonal dishes including homemade pumpkin pie and apple crisp. Not only is it fun and free, it’s the only option with any educational value (unless you count social observations at Toads). Food from the Earth coordinator Rachel Newman ’09 explains, “It’s a pretty painless way to learn a little bit more about eating sustainably, locally and seasonally.” This event is a must for any New Englanders or out-of-towners angry about the lack of foliage.
Butterfingers — slightly nutty and disembodied
If you missed the beautiful new dining hall, two consecutive IM championships and last weekend’s Safety Dance, come check out the best (and the writer of this article’s) college Saturday night at the annual Silliman Haunted House. This year’s theme is “2-Walk through Hell: The Dark Side of Yale.” Tours led by fake admissions guides will depart from the master’s house between 8 and 11 p.m. to show off the sketchiest aspects of campus life. Organizers Sara Freiberg ’09 and Kyle McElroy ’09 promise “murderous Stacks, a hellish DUH, and a pack of Quinnipiac girls at their very finest” as part of a tour even scarier than Harvard’s.
“Fun Sized” Variety Pack — a tasty preview
Get a sampling of the craziness to come with Saturday night’s “Nightmare Before Christmas”-themed Pierson Inferno. Music, dancing and treats will start at 10 in Pierson’s decorated Lower Court. Facebook promises guests, “You’ll be spooked, shocked, and seduced.” How could anyone resist?
Starbursts — bonus points if you can get in with just your tongue
If frat parties and late-night dancing is your thing, check out the Halloween-inspired events at Delta Kappa Epsilon and Toads this week. It starts Saturday night at 10 with the DKE Mortician’s Ball, which brother Stephen Morse assures “ranks among the top parties all year.” Try out those slutty fill-in-the-blank costumes, scarily sexy (or just scary) dance moves and cheap beer. Haven’t had enough? Check out Wednesday night’s Kooks & Spooks Convention at Toad’s Place, hosted by 99.1 PLR. Prizes, costumes and catching that section asshole in an especially compromising position: priceless.
Candy Corn — enjoy the holiday classic
To hear Shades perform a capella and see high-ranking administrators in costume, head up Hillhouse Avenue on Wednesday to President Levin’s annual Halloween Party from 9:30 to 11:15 p.m. Schmooze with the big shots and admire the president’s posh residence, amazing art collection and generous candy supply. Past attendee Lucy Fitz Gibbon ’10 says, “If you want to pre-game your drinking with candy consumption, or if you just want to go for the chance to show up to the president’s house in a costume, I think it’s well worth it.”
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans — a magical, musical variety
From Mozart’s “Dies Erie” to the Harry Potter theme to “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” the Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs will redefine your idea of what bells can do with their Halloween concert from 9-10 Wednesday night. Bring a blanket and a date to Branford College courtyard to hear this year’s only night concert by “Hell’s Bells.”
Hershey’s Special Dark — classic(al), but darker
What do you get when you take a bunch of musicians and infuse them with the spooky spirit? The Yale Symphony Orchestra’s traditional Halloween show! Starting at 11:59 p.m. Yalies will gather in Woolsey Hall to enjoy an original student-produced movie — usually spoofing the University and a major motion picture — complete with a live soundtrack. Freshmen and prematurely-nostalgic seniors especially should not miss this Yale tradition. What’s in the works for this year? It’s a surprise, but come prepared to be stunned.