If ever proof were needed that musicians can be divas, backstage riders would be it. These lists of demands from artists about the food and drink needed to nourish their fragile muses can be legendary in their complexity — Van Halen used to request bowls of M&M’s with all the brown ones removed.
The artists YSAC snagged for Spring Fling are less picky, but some of their requests entertain nonetheless (“3 small cans V-8 Spicy” for Sister Hazel; “Nutta butta cookies, lemon heads, cherry heads” for T.I.). Unfortunately, YSAC’s not allowed to give the performers any of the alcohol they had initially requested, but the News is confident the artists can soldier on with their Old Campus debuts (or, T.I. can join the rest of us with our colored Nalgenes and freshmen stockpilers) .
Rock out, rock on.
OPENER — The Format
6 towels
Loaf of bread, peanut butter, jelly
Assorted fresh fruit
Celery, carrots, ranch dip
Gummy bears
Hummus & pita bread
Bagels, cream cheese
1 case bottled water
12-pack Dr. Pepper
2 packs Marlboro Reds
Lipton Iced Tea
1 box traditional throat coat tea
8 hot meals (2 vegetarian) or $10.00 meal buyouts
MIDDLE ACT — Sister Hazel
Fresh-brewed, hot coffee
Assorted black & herbal tea bags + hot water
Honey, lemon, non-dairy liquid creamer, half-and-half, sugar & Sweet & Low
Assorted juices & sodas
Bottled non-carbonated spring water (Evian)
Breakfast: Requirements per advance, based on needs
Lunch: For up to 8 people available at load-in (can order from menus upon arrival)
Dinner: Healthy, hot dinners for up to 15 ppl including 3 vegetarian meals (no fast food, pizza, or bar food; must include bread, salad, vegetable, potato/rice or other starch side dish, entrée, dessert, beverages; discuss menu options in advance w/ Tour Manager; OR buy-out of $15 per person) (set up after sound check or time designated by Artist’s tour manager)
Tour Manager may request additional food/beverages
Recycling bins for glass, aluminum, paper
12 large bath towels (+12 more if showers are available)
36 20 oz. bottles non-carbonated drinking water (Poland Springs, etc.)
1⁄2 lb. Starbucks dark roast (ground)
4 small cans Starbucks double shot
1 small hazelnut liquid creamer
1 lemon & lime uncut & knife to slice
6 bottles Propel
6 32 oz. Gatorades (red, original & orange)
3 small cans V-8 Spicy
3 small cans V-8 Original
12 cans Mountain Dew
6 cans Coke
1 1/2 gallon cranberry juice
1 1⁄2 gallon orange juice
1 qt. 2% milk
1 assorted pack of cereal (small boxes)
1⁄2 lb Healthy Choice Honey Roasted Turkey
1⁄2 lb. Roast Beef
1 block sharp cheddar cheese
1⁄4 lb. Swiss cheese
Tomatoes, lettuce, & onion sliced sandwich style
1 bag onion rolls
1 small loaf wheat bread
2 cups light yogurt any flavor (Yoplait or Dannon)
Mayonnaise & Dijon mustard
1 small fruit bowl (fuji/jona gold apples, oranges, grapes, plums, bananas)
1 variety pack chips
1 bag tortilla chips
1 jar salsa
1 box low-fat Triscuits
1 package pita bread
1 small container hummus
1 package Oreos (double-stuff if possible)
4 pure protein peanut butter energy bars
Adequate and continuous supply of: Ice, condiments, napkins, plates, bowls, utensils, and cups
Bottle opener
Trash can
Sandwiches or pizza for Artist’s crew load-out TBD the day of the show
Some vegetarian food needed
Alternatives to pizza greatly appreciated
Lots of ice for tour bus
Daily per diem of $35 per person for 8 people.
12 towels
32 Dasani water bottles
24 bottles of fruit juice
12 Cherry Coke
24 pc Fried Chicken, 4 large cole slaw, 4 large mashed potato & gravy
2 bags potato chips
Utensils, plates, napkins, cups for 10 ppl
Plenty of ice
Nutta butta cookies, lemon heads, cherry heads