Julie Gonzales ’05 is about to graduate, but this Texan, a member of Silliman College and a double-major in history and in ethnicity, race and migration, has not slowed down yet. A member of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan at Yale, or MEChA, and the Undergraduate Organizing Committee, Gonzales is hoping to eventually go to graduate school.
Wednesday, April 13, 11:30 a.m. “History of Western Art from the Renaissance to the Present”:
Although Gonzales is a history major, she had never taken an art history course, so she decided the second semester of her senior year was the perfect time to try one out.
“I find myself looking at art in a totally different way because of [professor David Joselit’s] class,” Gonzales said. “He brings a really dynamic and interesting vocabulary to talking about artwork and form and structure.”
1:30 p.m. Lemonade at Koffee2 on York Street:
Gonzales said one of the best parts of her day was a meeting with a friend at the popular York Street hangout.
“It was really good to see him because I hadn’t seen him in a while, so it was nice just to catch up,” Gonzales said.
4:30 p.m. Steve Pitti talk sponsored by MEChA:
This week is MEChA’s Hermana Chicana celebration, which involves bringing in speakers every day and other activities. Although Gonzales does not serve an official role in MEChA this year, she was a moderator last year, coordinating meetings for the group.
The Wednesday talk was with Pitti, a history and American studies professor at Yale who is taking a year off to work on two writing projects, one of which is about Cesar Chavez, Gonzales said.
“He’s such a brilliant speaker, and the room was filled with people,” Gonzales said.
6 p.m. Graduate Employees and Students Organization strike meeting, First and Summerfield Church:
GESO, an organization run by Yale graduate students, voted on Wednesday night to go on strike, and Gonzales said she was excited to attend the vote.
“It was really good to hear people being so committed to going on strike,” Gonzales said. “It really gave me the sense that GESO was fighting for the right things.”
10 p.m. UOC Meeting:
Gonzales is a member of the UOC, an activist group that protests and lobbies for a variety of liberal causes. At the Wednesday meeting, Gonzales said UOC members discussed financial aid reform and what the UOC was planning to do for Bulldog Days. To welcome prefrosh, Gonzales said, the UOC will have an ice cream night on Monday, and on Tuesday they will have an outdoor education rally to teach prefrosh about the GESO strike.
“Most of the meeting of the UOC was around that,” Gonzales said. “How we can best help students feel like they know what’s going on.”