This article has been corrected. You may view this article’s correction here.
This article has been corrected. You may view this article’s correction here.


In Tuesday’s story, “Antipsychotic drugs may raise diabetes risk,” the percentage of patients in the study who contracted diabetes was misstated. The proportion was 4.4 percent annually. In the same story, Douglas Leslie was misidentified. Leslie is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry, but he is not a psychiatrist.

The Oct. 1 article “Hungry writers bite into Big Apple” incorrectly stated how author Marty Beckerman’s work appeared in The New York Times and the Post. Beckerman has been interviewed and reviewed in both publications.


In Tuesday’s story, “Antipsychotic drugs may raise diabetes risk,” the story implied that all of the newer schizophrenia drugs increase the risk of diabetes. The study found a significantly higher risk of diabetes associated with using only two of the drugs, clozapine and olanzapine.