To the Editor:

Though I appreciate the Yale Daily News’ efforts to report on the Ward 1 aldermanic election without bias, I find Thursday’s editorial, “No clear choice yet for Ward 1 seat,” to be incomplete in conveying the statements made by challenger Dan Kruger ’04.

Having attended the debate on Tuesday night, I am surprised by the article’s suggestion that Kruger “conflates ‘Yale,’ meaning the Yale administration, with ‘Yale students.'” I found quite the opposite to be true; of the two candidates, only Kruger was able to elucidate the distinction between an ideal alderman’s relationship with the school and with its students. He emphasized the importance of communication with the latter, promising to inform his constituents of all goings on in City Hall and ascertain their views before crucial votes, and the need for partnership with the latter, vowing to work along with the administration to better serve the University and revitalize the city of New Haven itself.

The editorial aptly recommends that the eventual winner of this election “consider [his] responsibility not only to represent Yale — but also [his] obligation — to represent New Haven to us — that is, to be in contact with students about what they want for the city and what the city wants from them.” I am puzzled, however, by the author’s contention that “neither candidate has demonstrated he has a complete vision for the position.” Kruger’s entire campaign seems to be predicated upon his disappointment in the failure of Ben Healey ’04 to consult with or even inform the Yale community regarding the decisions he has made that affect our lives. In my estimation, Kruger has clearly established himself as the candidate who cares about the opinions of the Yale student body, and I congratulate him on his efforts to change the trend of little or no student consultation set by Alderman Healey.

Teddy Goff ’07

September 18, 2003