In the wake of the explosion that shook the Yale Law School Wednesday, law enforcement officials discovered several weapons in the dorm room of a Yale law student.
One day after the bombing damaged a Law School classroom and lounge but left no one hurt, officials found a semi-automatic rifle, shotguns, and at least one handgun and ammunition in a student’s Law School dorm room Thursday, the Hartford Courant reported.
Officials have not released the name of the student, who was taken into custody late Thursday, the Courant reported. University, local, state and national officials declined to comment on the matter and would not say whether it was connected to the bombing.
“We are not able to discuss the investigation at this time,” said Delcie Thibault, a spokesperson for the Connecticut U.S. Attorney’s Office. “And I am not able to comment on media reports.”
Thibault characterized the investigation into Wednesday’s explosion as a joint effort of federal, state and local officials. The large-scale investigation continued Friday with FBI agents interviewing people who were in the building at the time of the explosion.
Gabriel Sanchez LAW ’05 said he was in the Law School when the bomb exploded. In a Friday morning interview, FBI officials showed Sanchez composite sketches of two individuals they are trying to identify, he said.
“They never mentioned that they’d arrested anyone [for the weapons] or anything of that nature at all,” Sanchez said. “My sense of it is that it was still an ongoing investigation. And they were just asking general things like if we knew anyone who had a vendetta against the school [or someone in it].”
On Thursday, students reported that FBI officials were showing composite sketches of one person during interviews. Carsten Jungmann LAW ’03, who told the News Thursday that he helped the FBI prepare that sketch, said he saw a man in Room 120, the site of the explosion, just two or three minutes prior to the blast. Jungmann said the person was moving “awkwardly.”
Sanchez said the Law School is slowly becoming accessible to students.
“It seems like they’re more or less efficiently getting through opening the building for our use,” Sanchez said. “And people seem to be getting along with their business as best they can.”
Law School Dean Anthony Kronman posted several messages on the school’s Web site describing the updated state of various areas of the Law School building and addressing potential concerns about meals, airline tickets and possessions left in the building during the evacuation.
“There are some limited areas of the Law School that will remain inaccessible for a brief time,” Kronman said. “But our graduates and their families will be able to enjoy nearly all of our majestic building and to celebrate together this culminating moment in their lives at the Yale Law School.”
In an e-mail to the Yale community Friday, University Secretary Linda said the weekend’s Commencement exercises will proceed as scheduled, but additional security will be provided and large bags and satchels will not be allowed during the Commencement activities.
–The Associated Press contributed to this report