Last week, a picture of former men’s tennis team captain Dustin West ’04 dominated the team’s website. This week, the website does not mention West at all.
In a meeting with the team last Saturday, West announced he was resigning as team captain and that he would no longer compete for the Bulldogs for the remainder of his time at Yale. All references to West were removed from the website following West’s team exit.
West was unavailable for comment Thursday, despite repeated attempts to contact him.
According to team members, on Halloween night West relieved himself near the silverware in the Ezra Stiles’ dining hall. The Yale police arrived and charged West with criminal mischief in the third degree and with disorderly conduct.
After learning of the incident, the Athletic Department met with West and told him he would have to quit the team, West’s teammates said Thursday. West already received a warning previously this year after an incident during the University of San Diego football game. Athletic director Tom Beckett was unavailable for comment on the matter.
Players on the team said they were shocked by Saturday’s meeting, and many of them were unaware of the Halloween incident until that time. Head Coach Alex Dorato announced that a new captain would be selected at a later date, but the Bulldogs are still without a captain now. Dorato also was unavailable for comment.
West competed for Yale in doubles for the past two seasons, teaming with All-American Steve Berke ’03. The duo qualified for the NCAA Championship in doubles and finished with a national doubles ranking of 29. They were ranked No. 4 in doubles in the northeast region. West did not compete in the fall season this year because of a torn abdominal muscle.
Players said they still consider West a part of the team, despite the revocation of his title and official team status. West is now seeking defense for the police charges brought against him on Halloween.