When he is not busy tending to students’ spiritual matters, University Chaplain Frederick “Jerry” Streets will also oversee students’ general well-being when he becomes interim master of Trumbull College this fall.

University President Richard Levin announced last night that Streets will assume the position this September. Current Master Janet Henrich, who was recently reappointed for a second term, will take a leave of absence during the 2002-2003 school year, and has said she will resume her duties as master the following year.

Speaking in the Trumbull dining hall alongside Yale College Dean Richard Brodhead, Levin said he was pleased that Streets accepted the position.

“Jerry and his wife, Annette, are very excited about taking up this opportunity,” Levin said. “I know you will welcome them both to the college.”

Levin cited the involvement of Streets and his wife in the New Haven community. Frederick Streets serves on the New Haven Board of Police Commissioners and formerly was co-chair of the Ward 1 Democratic Committee. Annette Streets is assistant director of the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute.

Levin also praised Streets for his interest in international peacemaking. Streets went to Bosnia-Herzegovina last September to help war victims.

Streets said he was looking forward to assuming the Trumbull position in the fall.

“Annette and I are deeply, deeply honored to have been invited by President Levin to serve as acting masters,” he said. “Thank you for this honor.”

Streets also said that he would maintain the social atmosphere Henrich has built over the years.

“We’re just here to keep the light on for them,” he said. “We will look forward to ways in which we can all have a good time.”

Alden Bass ’05 said he was excited about Streets’ appointment.

“He seems like a pretty good guy,” Bass said. “He’s been helpful in many ways to the freshmen, so I imagine he’ll make a good interim master.”

Kerry Bartoe ’04, a Trumbull master’s aide, said she is looking forward to working with Streets.

Cate Frieman ’05, also a master’s aide, enthusiastically endorsed Streets’ selection.

“He just seem[s] really nice and really confident,” Frieman said. “Rev. Streets is the best possible interim master.”

Henrich said she was confident that Streets will make a positive impact on the Trumbull community.

“I can assure you that Trumbull is in very good hands,” she said.