A front-page caption Tuesday incorrectly stated that the Rev. W. David Lee DIV ’93 held a fundraiser dinner last Friday. The event was a fundraiser at Lee’s church. There was no dinner.
A front-page caption Wednesday incorrectly identified the boathouse pictured as the historic Yale Boathouse, which the city of New Haven is considering relocating.
A sports article Wednesday incorrectly reported the score of the Yale-Stanford women’s fencing meet. Yale defeated Stanford 22-5.
A sports article yesterday misspelled the name of the equestrian team captain. It is Margot Sanger-Katz ’02.
A sports article yesterday misconstrued the nature of the equestrian team’s letter-writing campaign. The team plans to solicit 600 letters from sympathetic parties, not send letters to 600 people.
An article about a women’s mentoring group yesterday misidentified the Web site of Michelle Peluso’s online travel company. It is Site59.com, not State59.com.