With the expiration of major union contracts in January, this weekend’s Yale Corporation meeting is likely to center on discussion of labor negotiations in addition to routine meeting proceedings.
Yale Corporation members will convene on campus Thursday through Saturday for their second meeting of the year. The Corporation is the University’s highest policy making body, and meeting agendas are top secret.
An administrative source said the Corporation would get an update on the work done by the independent labor consultants hired by Yale. The source said there will also be a presentation on labor that will include proposals and issues expected to surface from the unions during negotiations.
“There are other issues — facilities, academic issues — but certainly, particularly at this time, labor is certainly very much in the minds of all of us on both sides of the table [unions and the University],” the source said. “This is a contract year. We all know the history. The board has lived this history, managed this history.”
Another administrator said the Corporation would also be updated on contingency planning for job actions or strikes. The administrator also said that once bargaining is under way, each Corporation session will include a labor briefing.
University officials also have met or will meet with Corporation committees.
“There is, as normal, a committee meeting on alumni and development affairs,” Vice President for Development Charles Pagnam said.
Yale College Council President Vidhya Prabhakaran ’03 said YCC officers will meet with Corporation members for about an hour Friday afternoon.
“Basically, every year, hopefully every semester now, the Corporation takes time out of its normal schedule and meets with the YCC and other groups around the campus,” Prabhakaran said. “They will also meet with some graduate students and meet with some staff.”
This year, Prabhakaran said discussion would concern YCC resolutions passed this semester and some of the potential issues that could surface from future resolutions.
This will not be Prabhakaran’s first time to meet with Yale Corporation members — he participated in last year’s meeting as YCC treasurer.
“It was interesting to see how much of a real connection they have with Yale,” Prabhakaran said. “I think it’s very valuable for them to get real perspective from these groups.”
Prabhakaran said the meeting was more useful for the Corporation than for the YCC, as the council’s concerns are usually handled by President Richard Levin, Provost Alison Richard and Yale College Dean Richard Brodhead.
The Corporation members last met the weekend of the final tercentennial celebration in October, replacing their annual retreat, so Corporation members could enjoy the festivities. At the convocation that weekend, Levin announced a yearlong review of Yale’s curriculum.
At their Sept. 5 meeting, trustees approved Yale’s $7.5 million financial aid reform package. Dean of Admissions Richard Shaw said that the Corporation members would not discuss financial aid this weekend, as they have already made a decision for the year.
The trustees select 10 of their peers, and alumni select the remaining six trustees. Former Baltimore mayor Kurt Schmoke ’71 serves as the senior fellow. The Corporation does not make minutes from its meetings public until 50 years after the meeting date.