Thursday’s front page article, the third part of the “Gay at Yale” series, incorrectly stated that Evan Leatherwood ’02 no longer calls himself a Christian because he is gay. He said he he thinks Christianity and homosexuality are incompatible.
Thursday’s article about a shoplifting arrest quoted Jack Snyder ’03 as saying that the Yale Record might pursue the issue of the arrest of its business manager if it weren’t so late in the term. He did not say that.
Tuesday’s front page article and Wednesday’s News’ View incorrectly stated that Princeton provides a standard stipend of $16,000. Princeton provides this stipend to first-year science and engineering students, and other stipend levels vary and are often lower.
Tuesday’s article about Marshall Scholarships misquoted Linda De Laurentis as saying that Harvard had no Marshall Scholars in 1999. Harvard had six Marshall Scholars in 1999.