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Yalies are creative, and what could be a better opportunity to show off than Halloween? We loitered at University President Richard Levin’s last night and took pictures of the best.

First Place: Danny Ullman ’15 (Chef Chris from Morse)

Anyone who can singlehandedly challenge the New Haven pizza industry from a dining hall deserves to be represented on Halloween. This costume was the best combination we saw of Yale-specificity, creativity and good design. Armed with Durfee’s chopsticks in the shoulder pocket and a Morse-embroidered hat, we almost asked him if he was making Berkeley-mac-and-cheese pizza at the President’s House.

Runner-Up: Julio Perez-Torres ’12 (Queen of DeNile)

Dressed in drag at Levin’s, Perez-Torres brought a powerful combination of shock, sex and sultriness. But the name might even be more creative than the costume. We may have denied you first place, but your representation of DeNile dethroned most of our other contestants.

Honorable Mentions:

Rae Bichell ’12 (Whoopie Cushion)

We love the idea of this all-out costume, but lack of homemade warm fuzzies deflated this costume down to honorable mention.

Kristin Johnson ’12 (Spelling Bee)

You gave a great literal interpretation to this idea, but could have gone even further with this costume — crazy words, nerdy glasses?

For those of you who didn’t make the cut (or had to ask to be photographed), take these four as examples for next year – you really can make a good Halloween costume in an October blizzard.