Yalies weigh in on politics, voting and democracy. Should U.S. politics matter to international students? One columnist defends those who do not vote, while another urges us to go “beyond the vote.” Is there hope for American democracy, and if so, what should change?
MOREAU: In defense of non-voters
By Nora Moreau
DUNSON: Beyond the vote
By Caleb Dunson
O’ROURKE: Vote local
By Kara O'Rourke
SAPRE: Democracy, far from home
By Pradz Sapre
2020 in political cartoons
By Giovanna Truong
CROZIER: Let the Constitution die
By McKinsey Crozier
ONGURU: The end of dreams
By Awuor Onguru
GREENE: How children can read and write with power
By Kahlil Greene